The best public places to view the Fireworks!

Marblehead Harbor

We had really great comments over the past couple of years from almost everyone about the barge placement and the visibility of the Fireworks from nearly every vantage point on the harbor. I’m a firm believer in the old adage: "if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!" So, needless to say the Fireworks will once again be on a barge at the mouth of the harbor.If at all possible, please try to leave your car at home and walk to your favorite viewing location. We have some traffic, parking & safety tips on our site, but the best-kept secret to a great Fourth of July evening is to leave your car at home!

Riverhead Beach

Fort Sewall

Riverhead Beach is at the far end of the harbor.However, it is a straight shot down harbor to see the fireworks. You will be able to see both sides of the Harbor Illumination from here. And you can see the fireworks go up behind a beautiful setting of all the sailboat masts, which looks pretty awesome!The greatest advantage to this location is parking. Devereux Beach parking lot is directly across the street, and the beach is also an easy walk from other central parking locations in town. For all other locations below, it may be very difficult to find a legal parking spot.

Fort Sewall will be one of the very best locations to see the Fireworks and Illumination of the Harbor. It is sure to become very crowded and it is suggested that you plan to arrive as early as possible to get a good spot.

There are many benches that face both the harbor and outside the harbor where the barge will be anchored. The rocks surrounding the perimeter are jagged and rough, so please be very careful if you decide to venture closer to the water's edge!If you arrive early, there is limited parking at Fort Sewall, but its proximity to downtown make it an ideal walking destination.Please keep in mind that Marblehead's finest will tow you in a heartbeat if you are not in a legal parking spot!

Fort Beach

Just before you reach Fort Sewall, Fort Beach (Flat Rock Beach to the locals) is another great location to see the Fireworks and Illumination of the Harbor. However, due to it being such a great vantage point, it will become very crowded. It is suggested that you plan to arrive as early as possible to get a good spot. However, Fort Beach doesn't have any benches or provide any handicapped access, so please plan accordingly. Bring a flashlight so you don't lose your footing after dark and have shoes that are appropriate for a rocky shoreline.

Keep an eye on the tide!

Crocker Park

A popular favorite in the past, Crocker Park offers splendid panoramas of the entire harbor. Crocker Park is where we "Count Down The Fireworks". Plenty of benches, grassy areas, and of course, rocks.This is the location of the Performing Arts Stage for the Marblehead Festival of Arts, where a band (check here for performance details) will play until the start of the Illumination and then continue after the Fireworks Display is over.

Chandler Hovey Park

Also known as the Lighthouse, Chandler Hovey Park is one of the best vantage points to see the Fireworks and Illumination of the Harbor. However, due to its great popularity, it will become very crowded and it is suggested that you plan to arrive as early as possible to get a good spot.There are many benches that face both the harbor and outside the harbor where the barge will be. The rocks surrounding the perimeter are jagged and rough, so please be very careful if you decide to venture closer to the water's edge!There will be no parking in the lot at Chandler Hovey Park beginning at about 6:00 P.M. Vehicles parked within the parking lot shall be removed at that time.Parking will be allowed on all public ways between Ocean and Harbor (at Causeway) and the far end of Ocean and Harbor Avenues.

Remember: Marblehead's finest will tow you, in a heartbeat, if you are not in a legal parking spot!